Monday 23 June 2014

Reading Strategies for the IELTS test

Book Review:

This course has a total of over 80 readings, after meticulous analysis of the IELTS exam, author readings divided into seven sections according to the types of reading to practice: Matching the Headings (fitting title and text ), Close (Fill in blank), multiple Choice (Select multiple items), Summarizing (Abstract), YES / NO / NOT GIVEN (true, false, not mentioned), Scanning for Answers (Quick answers) and Integrated Exercises (Exercise synthesis). Although the reader does not need to follow this order, but forms part of the subject synthetic exercise more diverse, so let's get familiar with the exam format first and then do this next part. 

Software test samples in this book a total of 6 threads. As the contestants had been doing this exam and take the exam IELTS, the topic is difficult and longer than the actual exam questions a bit, but worth no difference. It is also the intention of the author when compiling this quiz. Readers can do this according to the practical requirements in each period to observe the progress and identify their difficulties.

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